2024 Trail ride, Playday and Parade schedule
When Where Host/Event
July 4th Antioch Parade Betsy Faitz & Mindy Sivright
July 6th LCMP Horse Show Ghislaine deKoning
July 7th Mundelein Parade Betsy Faitz & Mindy Sivright
July 14th Bristol Parade Betsy Faitz & Mindy Sivright
July 27th Play Day Kim Moon
August 3rd Sedge Meadow Trail Ride Sam Hybicki
August 11th Sterling Lake Trail Ride Kelly Dickson
August 17th Grayslake Parade Betsy Faitz & Mindy Sivright
September 7th Lakewood Trail Ride Kim Moon, Mindy Sivright
September 15th Rock Cut Trail Ride Beth S, Jamie C, Sara G, Barb R, Nicole/Bailey G
October 6th Fall Ride at Bong
October 19th Ravens Glen Trail Ride Fran and Tricia Yanuzzi
October 26th Chain O Lakes Halloween Ride Debbie Neuman and Jen Friel
November 17th Trail Ride at Rock Cut State Park
December 7th Christmas Party at Parkway Banquets